September 2018 | Technical Gadget

Saturday, September 8, 2018

How To Add a Place On Google Map

Follow These Steps

  • First Open Google Map On Your Mobile/Pc.
  • Then Click on Menu(Placed On Lift Side).
  • Click On A Missing Place.
  • That Shows Name,Address And Categories
  • Fill Name For Your Place And Goto Address Option And Select Address From Map For Your Place.
  • Then Select Category And Choose Option You Want And Add Other Option Like Photos.
  • Click On Ok Button To Submit.Your Location Will Be Update On Google Map Within 24 Hour

What Is Rooting ?

The term “root” comes from the Unix/Linux world and is used to describe a user who has “superuser” rights or permissions to all the files and programs in the software OS (Operating System). The root user, because they have “superuser” privileges, can essentially change or modify any of the software code on the device. You see, your phone manufacturer/carrier only gives you “guest” privileges when you purchase your device. They do this for good reason… they don’t want you getting into certain parts of the software on your phone and screwing it up beyond repair. It makes it much easier for them to manage and update the devices if they lock it all down. This way, all the users are running the same unmodified version of the phone’s software. This makes it much easier for them to support the devices. But, for the tech-savvy crowd, only having “guest” privileges on your device is pretty lame and it locks down a lot of potentially useful features. Rooting is essentially “hacking” your Android device. In the iPhone world, this would be the equivalent to “Jailbreaking” your phone
Advantages of Rooting
  1. Custom Software (ROM’s)
  2. Custom Themes
  3. Kernel, speed, and battery
  4. Baseband
  5. Latest Versions of Android
  6. Backing up your device
  7. Unlocking Additional Features

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